If G-d Always Loves Us Why Don’t We Always See It?

    G-d always loves us unconditionally, and we must remember that, even when His love is hidden.

    And Then There Was One

    Margalit Zenati, also known as “the Jewish gatekeeper of Peki’in,” is almost 85 years old

    Lia’s Miracle She Swallowed 14 Magnets

    swallowing magnets is worse than swallowing other foreign objects

    What is Love? by Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    The definition of love is: A pure desire by the one who loves, that his beloved will experience happiness. When…

    Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhansk

    There is a legend which relates that during the Holocaust, the Nazis smashed the stone over his grave and wanted…

    Happiness, the Life Saver

    Happiness will get someone out of depair to hope

    Watch: The Music of La La Land by The A Team Orchestra

    Ce médicament est contre-indiqué dans les situations suivantes : – Hypersensibilité à la substance active ou à l’un des excipients.…

    What is the True Definition of Freedom? Rabbi Michel Twerski

    Rabbi Michel Twerski explains the Torah view of freedom. Brought to you by 'Drops Of Light Project'

    Teachings of Rav Shneur Zalman of Liadi

    A disciple of the Mezritcher Maggid, the founder of Chabad Chassidus, and the author of Tanya.

    The 6th Thing Messianic Jews for Jesus Don’t Want You to Know

    According to all the prophecies in the scriptures The Messiah has not yet come.
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