The Power of Love

    Loving someone else is linked to loving ourselves and connecting to our G-dly soul inside us

    The Way to Perfection

    Man extols and dreams of perfection. Yet man must also know his limits ; while striving for perfection, he must…

    Hashem Doesn’t Owe You Children

    But if you go above and beyond your obligations, G-d will go above and beyond His

    Proof of Prophecy: When the Jewish people went into exile

    More than 2500 years ago the prophet Daniel accurately predicted the course of history for the next two millennia. This…

    Did Our Ancestors Swing from the Treetops?

    Why Not Believe in Evolution?

    Watch: A Synagogue on Wheels

    Hundreds stood watching in astonishment at the "rolling synagogue". The 142 year old Adass Yisroel synagogue in Washington was transferred…

    Who is Hashem? What Does “Hashem” Mean?

    What can we fully grasp about Hashem? Who is Hashem – Really? A simple and Kabbalistic explanation by Rabbi Nachum…

    How to Deal with Depression – Watch

    There are over 300,000,000 people who suffer from depression worldwide. What can be done to overcome depression and anxiety? Psychotherapist…

    Why Does Judaism Forbid Tattoos?

    If I have a tattoo, can I be buried in a Jewish cemetery? Why does the Torah prohibit tattoos? Rabbi…
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