An Unexpected Visit from the Police

    If I was so afraid of the police, how will I feel before G-d?

    Parshat Behar: Shemittah, The Great Equalizer

    Just as everyone can partake of the fruit, everyone can partake of the Torah, we're all equal

    How Much Do You Really Love the Western Wall?

    If you do where were you yesterday?

    Watch: Go on a Journey with the King of the Sky

    A rare glimpse at an eagle's view of the world. This is how it looks like from above: clear, smooth…

    Watch: Yonatan Razel Performes by “Shir Lama’alot”

    Your browser doesn’t support video. Please download the file: video/mp4 Ce logo est en cours de création par la Commission…

    Nauseous? Take Ginger

    Beyond its quality and great flavor, ginger is also used as a powerful medicinal herb that should be found in…

    Attitude of Gratitude

    How can we stop the idea that everything is coming to us? Can we let our children feel everything is…

    Yehudah – Taking Responsibility

    Man’s challenge is not simply to avoid mistakes, but to own up to those we inevitably make

    Watch: How to Rescue an Elephant Stuck in the Mud

    Touching: This elephant was stuck in the mud somewhere in Kenya for more than half a day, when kind individuals…

    Must See – The Future of The Jewish Family – Panel with Rabbi Menachem Levine

    Why is intermarriage forbidden? What is the Torah approach to intermarriage? “People who are products of intermarriage, have less connection…
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