Near Death Experience in the Talmud

    The Talmud states; for three days after burial, it is still possible for a person to return to life! What…

    See Amazing Sail Ski Race

    This is beautiful to behold

    WATCH: ’ON THE TABLE’ with R’ Peretz  B. Eichler

    A winning combination of good food and important issues put on the table and addressed by experts who can help

    Chasidizitz Band – The Partisan Song

    Get to know the Chasidizitz Band. Magnificent performance of the Partisan Song

    The Illusion of Control

    While Hashem holds the ultimate “keys,” he gives us a set of our own

    A Baal Teshuva is like an Immigrant, They Both Go through the Same Things (Part One)

    If you understand what an immigrant goes through you’ll understand what a Baal Teshuva goes through

    Watch: How Wine Barrels are Manufactured

    Are you curious to know how a barrel of wine is made? Get a rare glimpse of how it is…

    Yaakov Shwekey – ALEPH BAIS GIMMEL

    Composed By Yitzy Waldner. Concept By Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin

    Pesach Sheni (2nd Passover) Is Here

    You always have another chance

    Budget Blues

    If I accept my parents’ help, they’ll think my husband is a failure
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