Women to know : One thing led to another and so her organization was born

    The only way to keep yourself happy is to make others happy, and to give

    Eliyahu Hanavi – A Capella Version by Moshe Storch

    May Elijah the Prophet announce the coming of the Messiah speedily in our days

    Gad Elbaz – Save Me From my Selfie – Official lyrics Video

    A song that expresses the impact of technology on society. Meaningful

    Attitude of Gratitude

    How can we stop the idea that everything is coming to us? Can we let our children feel everything is…

    Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi – What Women Really Want

    How did Rebbetzin Yemima Mizrachi become so famous? Mottle Wolfe interviews the world renowned Rebbetzin and Yikrat Friedman

    Abortion is an Empowering Experience? Just the Opposite

    Abortion is an experience of loss and emptiness, a form of death that occurs in the body of the woman.…

    Don’t Covet Your Friend’s What?

    A man asked a rabbi, “my heart is bursting from jealousy, how can I stop being jealous of my neighbor?”

    Watch: Sanctification of G-d’s Name in the Far East

    Am Yisrael Chai: A heartfelt Mincha prayer on a construction site in one of the Far Eastern countries. Gone viral

    A Drink will Help Shrink Abdominal Fat?

    This is a winning formula along with some other tips to fight obesity

    Watch: Animal Brotherhood – When Animals Help the Weak

    Watch awesome footage of animals defending the weak. Must see
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