I Believe in G-d, or Do I?

    What does it mean to have faith in G-d?

    Cantor Yoel Ausch & The Shira Choir Perform at The NYPD High Holy Days Security Briefing

    NYPD executives, clergy members, and community leaders convened at 1 Police Plaza for the annual High Holy Days briefing. Police…

    10 Points About Parshat Parah

    In addition to the regular Torah portion Parshat Parah is read about a person purifying himself. May we get this…

    Como deve ser minha mesa de Shabat?

    Você realmente deve desfrutar de iguarias no Shabat e isso é sagrado!

    What Will You Do for the Future of the Jewish People?

    Yes you!! Your decision about this can be life changing for yourself and all of our Nation

    What Compliments Do For Your Spouse

    Compliments are extremely important benefitting your marriage in both short term and long term

    Overcoming Internet Addiction with G-d

    This video is for those who already realize they are addicted to the internet. If you're not sure you should…

    Watch an Emotional Video of Israeli Soldiers Praying at Army Base

    "Hi, I am a reservist in the IDF's training ground south of the country. I filmed this video in the…

    Magnificent Images of a Synagogue in Israel Decorated for Shavuot

    See stunning photos of a synagogue in Kiryat Sefer decorated with flowers for the Festival of Shavuot. Impressive

    10 things You Should Know About OCD

    What is it? Does it need professional treatment? What are the most effective treatments for it?
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