What is the Talmud? What is the Oral Law?

    Judaism would be completely mysterious if not for the Oral Law which explains the basis and practical laws of keeping…

    Vous avez du mal à vous endormir  la nuit ? Vous ne croirez jamais quelle en est la cause !

    Une étude récente a découvert que travailler devant un écran d’ordinateur dans la soirée, a des répercussions sur la qualité…

    Amniocentesis: A Test That Increases Risk of Miscarriage

    A discussion of necessity versus risk.

    Y-Studs: VeUhavtu & Baruch Hashem – Acapella Style

    Another vocal masterpiece from Y-Studs. Enjoy

    Did you Ever Visit a Booth for Compliments?

    Guy Shani is a “Compliments Coach” and he will teach us the lost art of complimenting someone and being kind

    Happiness is The Most Important Mitzvah!

    Train yourself and your children in this great mitzvah

    10 Facts About the Tablets

    Our sages have revealed to us that the tablets were made of Sapphire and would have weighed a half a…

    Parenting: The Case for Children

    Why should I have children

    Shidduch Saga

    The story that sold the shidduch

    Watch: “Klezmer Medley” – Chilik Frank, Mendy Hershkowitz & Blue Melody

    Enjoy this Klezmer Medley featuring Chilik Frank and Mendy Hershkowitz, brought to you by Blue Melody
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