A Cynical Academic Discovers: “Judaism is Different”

    Mythbusting didn't work when it came to Judaism.

    Chassidic Lag BaOmer Mix

    Listen to a collection of the best Chassidic Lag BaOmer melodies. Enjoy

    Background matters

    A guy who’s divorced or one who grew up in a dysfunctional home

    If Men Have a Problem Why Must I be Limited?

    Why can’t I wear what I want?

    A Baal Teshuva is like an Immigrant (Part two)

    We can discuss the 5 stages they both go through in more depth

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    A Hungarian photographer Tamas Toth displays a breathtaking gallery of frozen water in the national park of Croatia. "I discovered…

    It Depends How You Look At It

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    “Bnei Anousim” Returning To Their Faith Around The Globe

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    Heavenly Harmony or Fiery Discord?

    Because the marriage bond can swing to such extremes, Heavenly harmony or fiery discord, it requires continual input and a…

    Scientists Discover Why We Wake Up Stiff and Achy in the Morning 

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