Como deve ser minha mesa de Shabat?

    Você realmente deve desfrutar de iguarias no Shabat e isso é sagrado!

    Uncovering the Hidden Reality

    What is really going on in my world? How can I find out what's behind the scenes?

    A Royal Crown – The Head Covering of a Woman

    The mitzvah that instructs a married woman to cover her hair seems like an inconceivable restriction to many people. What’s…

    Looking Forward to a Dreamy Seder Night?

    Are you dreaming of a pleasant, fascinating and enjoyable night for the whole family? Don’t just dream! Plan it now…

    How Can I Know For Sure that G-d is Here?

    Is there proof that G-d is All-inclusive, All-powerful, and has full control over everything in our lives?

    What is the Holiest Spot in the World for the Jewish People?

    Many people say the Western Wall is the holiest spot in the world. Is that true? Historian Ken Spiro explains

    I Have a Soul: What does That Mean?

    What is my mission here? Where do I have to get?

    Intimacy: The Foundation

    The wedding ceremony between man and woman is ​the penultimate expression of who Jewish people are to the rest of…

    Watch: Miniscule Antique Tefillin Found in Caucasus

    Amazing Footage: Antique tefillin located in Caucasus – Gone viral

    O SHABAT – visita no palácio do Rei – 3

    Parte 3: Shabat – O Fundamento da Crença 
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