I Promised G-d: “If You Send Me My Marriage Partner I Will Repent”

    Searching since she was small Karen Betman-Tayab got her answers and her husband.

    Lia’s Miracle She Swallowed 14 Magnets

    swallowing magnets is worse than swallowing other foreign objects

    Mika and Ali: From Poverty to Romance to Nightmare Part 2

    Getting married the romance ends and the nightmare begins

    Shabbat Shalom in Tiberias: A Summary of the Exciting Events & Historic Project – Watch

    The Hidabroot organization embarked on a historic project to strengthen Shabbat in the city of Tiberias. Thousands of Shabbat leaflets…

    Former Miss Israel Decided She Won’t Wear Immodest Clothing

    This past year she came closer to G-d and made an amazing resolution in Uman

    Idolatry: What Does it Mean and Why is it Forbidden? – Rabbi Akiva Tatz

    Does idolatry exist today? What's so terrible about idolatry? Rabbi Akiva Tatz explains. Brought to you by J-TV

    Repentance for Slander and Gossip

    How should one repent for speaking slander or gossip about a fellow Jew?

    Do Good Intentions Count? Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller

    “A believer must express his longing to be able to do good deeds. Then Hashem will judge him favorably.”

    Tonight @ 21:00 EST – Live Broadcast in Honor of the ’Hilula’ of the Baba Sali

    The stories that were never told: On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the passing of the holy Rabbi…

    Watch: Cage Diving with Crocodiles

    See this and feel what it's like to swim with crocodiles
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