Former Miss Israel Got Engaged at Western Wall

    She says yes to mitzvot and she said yes to her fiancé

    Watch: Melody of Reb Michoel Zlotchover

    Enjoy a legendary niggun

    What’s So Special About the Holy Tongue (Biblical Hebrew)

    In ancient times before the Tower of Babel everyone spoke one language, Ancient Hebrew. This is also the Language with…

    Kindness on a Plane Flight

    Israeli men calm a mother flying with her baby.

    The Thirteen Principles of Jewish Faith – Maimonides

    According to Maimonides, these are the most important principles in Judaism that every Jew must know. The 13 Principles of…

    Ten Facts about the Book of Psalms-Tehillim

    What is the meaning of the name of the Book of Psalms? How many people composed the hymns in the…

    Avraham Fried – Pashut Anashim

    From the Album, 'It's So Good that We Met'. Enjoy

    Watch: Sirens Imitation – You’ve Never Heard Anything Like it

    Must See: This kid is super-talented when it comes to imitating sirens. Gone viral

    The Yeshiva Boys Choir: “Ah Ah Ah” – Official Music Video

    Watch and enjoy the official music video "Ah Ah Ah" (Ashrei) by The Yeshiva Boys Choir. Brought to you by…

    Teachings of Rav Chaim Tyrer of Czernowitz

    A disciple of Rav Yechiel Michel, the Maggid of Zlotchov , and the author of “Be’er Mayim Chaim” and “Sidduro…
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