Wonders of Creation: Short Clips that will Amaze You

    A bird with amazing fishing skills, smart ants who help one another, surfing with dolphins and more. Must see

    Abortion is an Empowering Experience? Just the Opposite

    Abortion is an experience of loss and emptiness, a form of death that occurs in the body of the woman.…

    Carlebach Shabbos Medley – Avrumy Straus

    Watch Carlebach Shabbos Medley - Chassidish Style

    Watch: Do it Yourself – A Fun Sukkah Decoration

    Using pieces of paper and sticky tape, you can create a unique sukkah decoration. Gone viral

    Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky – Add “Achashverosh” to the Patient’s Name

    Why did Rabbi Kanievsky decide to add the name "Antiochus" or "Achashverosh" to the patient’s name, and how did he…

    Gallery: Creative Ideas for Decorating your Passover Table

    This Passover you can experience the Holiday and its significance in a slightly more creative way: Here are some original…

    Proof of Prophecy: When the Jewish people went into exile

    More than 2500 years ago the prophet Daniel accurately predicted the course of history for the next two millennia. This…

    Gallery: When Nature meets Photography

    Look through a gorgeous collection of nature images from 2017. Wonders of Creation

    Avraham Fried: Song of the Grasses – Shirat Ha’asavim

    Song of the Grasses, Shirat Ha'asavim with English translation. Based on the teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov

    Tehilla Mark: “Our Father Always Said That Every Bullet Has Its Address”

    “It’s hard, it’s painful, and we’re trying not to break. We get up and fall, cry and dry our tears”
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