If a shidduch is bashert

    Rav Yehudah Halevi, the author of the Kuzari, was a very wealthy man. He had only one daughter, who had…

    The Author of the “Sulam”, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Ashlag

    What is the real name of the holy Jew who was called Baal HaSulam (the author of the “Sulam”), and…

    Nissim Black ft. Menachem Weinstein: Wings – New Release

    Can You take me home, on the wings of eagles, to the The Promised Land. Enjoy

    What will the Third Temple Look Like? Watch Amazing Simulation

    Everyday we look forward to the moment we will witness the building of the Third Temple. In the meantime watch…

    Parshas Terumah: Standing and Growing

    What is the message of the trees used for the Mishkan?

    Miriam’s Slander: Why Publicize the Sin?

    Wouldn’t it be better to keep it hush to respect our leaders?

    What Were Steve Jobs’ Last Words Before He Died?

    Steve Jobs last words are a message for all of us to remember.

    Laws of Shabbat – Part 1: Preparing For Shabbat

    Proper preparation for Shabbat requires knowledge of many basic Halakhot. Rabbi Yoel Domb provides a basic overview of these halakhot
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