The Main Aspect of the Home – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    The woman is naturally connected to the inner aspect of the home even if she works outside of it. She…

    Eitan Katz: Nigun – Official Music Video

    This Nigun was originally called the "Shaleshidis Nigun" as it was composed by, yes you guessed, Shaleshidis a few years…

    Frightening: Watch Powerful Lightning Strike in Colorado

    Lightning is one of the most beautiful displays of nature. The Sages instituted that we recite a unique blessing upon…

    Shabbat Shalom – The Big Picture

    “Why me? Why my son? Why can’t he just be like the other children?” Almost as soon as I had…

    Watch: Israeli Swat Team Forces Practice Infiltration of Terrorists and Hostages

    Israeli swat team forces practiced an exercise of terrorists infiltrating into a settlement, and a hostage situation. The exercise tested…

    The Chef Who Closed Her Restaurant on Shabbat; “G-d Will Provide for Me”

    What brought a chef who owned a successful restaurant in Tel Aviv that was open for over a decade to…

    Cancer Patient Dreams: “Check Your Tefillin”

    After getting this dream 3 times he did and they weren't kosher.

    Ikea e nós

    Trecho Diário

    Out of the mouths of babes

    Sometimes it takes a child to see the truth

    Morning Prayers: Until When?

    Until what time may one recite the Shacharit prayer?
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