Who Packs Your Parachute? – 3 Minutes on Gratitude

    An inspiring clip on the importance of expressing gratitude to all those around us

    Watch: Fascinating Time Lapse of a Bean Growing Underground

    Wonders of Creation: Watch the growth process of a bean underground. This footage will surely strengthen your appreciation for all…

    10 Facts About the City of Hebron

    During the Biblical era, Hebron was one of the largest cities in Israel, and the capital of the kingdom of…

    Do You Have A Cold? Try Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky’s Remedy

    For years, people looking to heal health problems received this response from Rabbi Kanievsky

    Taking Precautions

    Should one take precautions when hearing gossip, in case the information is true? Is it permissible to accept gossip if…

    Society Demands so Much! I Just Want to Let Go!

    We’re slaves to technology and what society thinks a woman should look like and how our kids should act, how…

    A Four-Cornered “Bulletproof Vest”

    One of the areas of Judaism that has sparked much interest among the nations of the world is the special…

    How to Check for Bugs – Rivka Malka Perlman

    Watch a short and simple video on how to check for bugs from Rivka Malka's kitchen

    Rabbi Akiva

    The Talmud testifies to Rabbi Akiva’s greatness in Torah by relating that when Moses envisioned Rabbi Akiva, he said to…

    Shacharit: Morning Prayer – Ashkenaz – Part 2

    Click Here For Part 1 אַשְׁרֵי יושְׁבֵי בֵיתֶךָ. עוד יְהַלְלוּךָ סֶּלָה: אַשְׁרֵי הָעָם שֶׁכָּכָה לּו. אַשְׁרֵי הָעָם שֶׁה’ אֱלהָיו: תְּהִלָּה לְדָוִד. אֲרומִמְךָ…
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