Women to know : Dr. Carlebach Jofen is paving the way for the next generation of women

    Every woman can find a personal equilibrium, each one has to actualize her potential

    Mom, You’re the Best!”

    A sign on the door of a pediatrician in Spain goes viral for a good reason

    Have any Questions about Judaism? Ask the Rabbi Now

    Have any questions about Judaism? Are you looking for marriage counseling? Do you want advice in parenting? Want to know…

    It’s All From Above

    True faith in G-d requires one to firmly believe that everything that happens is Straight from Above

    Isn’t It Preferable Not To Benefit From This World?

    Is it true that if a person benefits from this world, it is deducted from his merits?

    How to Remain Objective When Dating

    Natural attraction can cloud judgement making it harder to let go of someone incompatible

    The Way to Perfection

    Man extols and dreams of perfection. Yet man must also know his limits ; while striving for perfection, he must…

    Happiness, the Life Saver

    Happiness will get someone out of depair to hope

    Just Be Yourself: Avraham Fried & Zemiros Choir – Acapella

    The Holy Kotzker Rebbe's tongue twister. “Just Be Yourself”. During the 3 weeks it is more important than ever to…

    The Path to Happiness in Married Life

    A married couple that has internalized the fact that they are not identical and do not, and are not supposed…
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