The 7th Thing Messianic Jews for Jesus Don’t Want You to Know

    Do you know who wrote the New Testament? Four unknown authors!

    “Get Me Out of Here!”

    A voice cried from inside the ATM

    Watch: Turtle’s Stunning Glow, Discovered in the Depths of the Pacific

    A delegation of two investigators sent to the Pacific in order to trace the phenomenon of bio-fluorescence (biological glow) in…

    The Inner Reality of Clothing

    Our intrinsic holiness mandates our wearing clothing

    The Dangers of Internet Addiction

    Internet is a very dangerous thing! It broke many barriers and brought harm to many people and their families. Rabbi…

    It’s Extremely Difficult to Break Up an Intermarriage

    Mostly, by the time we intervene it’s too late

    How Many Times Did We Leave Egypt?

    Why is it repeated? Why are many travels in Massei "according to the word of G-d"

    Watch: Artist Moti Heller Reveals the Process of His Artwork

    Moti Heller shares an intriguing glimpse of his magnificent artwork. Watch a clip that reveals how he creates a drawing…

    Watch: Wonders of Creation – Magic of the Ocean

    Fascinating documentation of life in the depths of the ocean. If you're looking for a relaxing break from the pressures…

    What are the Implications of Changing your Name?

    Let’s consider the dilemma a person faces when he discovers his parents have given him an inappropriate name. A name…
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