The Consequences of Counting the People

    The Torah forbids counting people directly and also says that this form of counting could cause a plague. This was…

    Asher’s Hanukkah Miracle

    The Hanukkah song Maoz Tzur saved him

    Watch: Rubik’s Cube Pro in Action

    See how this teenager excels in blindfolded ‘speed-cubing’. Incredible

    Should You Exercise when Full or Hungry?

    Do you take your morning run before or after breakfast?

    Who Am I?

    "A name captures the essence of a person and in a sense becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy". Rebbetzin FeigeTwerski

    Wonders of Creation: Stunning Views

    Take a moment to look at these breathtaking views and thank G-d for the beautiful world we live in

    Keep your Brain Young by Eating Eggs, Spinach and Avocado

    The lutein found in these foods protects the brain from cognitive function loss

    The importance of exercise in Judaism – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Maimonides considers physical exercise to be one of the most important conditions for maintaining a healthy body

    The Secret of Jewish Femininity: An Interview With Rebbetzin Tehilla Abramov

    It is written that the final redemption will come in the merit of the women,” says Rebbetzin Abramov

    A Spa for Babies?

    Who doesn’t like a warm bath and rubdown with oil? At “Perth Baby Spa” in Australia babies up to a…
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