10 Tips to Protect Yourself from Winter Colds

    Where do germs hide? How often should I change my linens or towels? Here are 10 tips to prevent the…

    Are There Or Aren’t There Mermaids?

    What is the Jewish view about mermaids?

    Watch: ’Potato Fish’. Does Such a Fish Exist?

    A potato fish seems to have been filmed off the coast of Ireland. See wonders of creation beneath the sea…

    Can Quantum Physics Prove G-d?

    Quantum physics teaches us we don't really know what we thought we knew

    10 Points About Parshat Parah

    In addition to the regular Torah portion Parshat Parah is read about a person purifying himself. May we get this…

    New Release: Rabbi Shimon – MBD

    Mordechai Ben David releases his new hit single 'Rabbi Shimon' for Lag BaOmer 5779

    Journey of the Soul: Just Like You – 8th Day

    A student goes to visit a Jewish sage, and is astounded to see the sage has virtually nothing in his…

    Domestic Peace Means Understanding Your Spouse’s World

    When you think of what your spouse is going through you’ll empathize and connect

    Rebbetzin Kanievsky’s Challah Recipe

    What was Rebbetzin Bat Sheva Kanievsky's secret ingredient in her challah recipe? Presented by Ner Echad

    Motty Steinmetz New Music Video for Shavuot – Yehe Ra’avu

    May G-d open my heart ,to understand the holy Torah
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