Thanks to Righteous (and Not Nervous) Women We Were Redeemed

    The path to redemption is through the destruction of the Chametz within us

    Watch: Latest Hamas Terror Methods

    Palestinian demonstrators fly a kite with a burning petrol bomb into Israel. These petrol bombs have caused small fires in…

    Noach, Shem, and Ever – Masters of Insulation

    Noach’s great strength was his ability to protect himself and his family from external influences, Shem and Ever passed on…

    100% Emunah – Faith

    This is our number 1 test

    See Lava Flow in the Streets of Hawaii

    Even in the most seemingly quiet place, the power of the Creator is revealed: Dozens of homes were destroyed by…

    Alone Having a Heart Attack? You Can Save Your Own Life!

    These steps can save your life if you cannot get immediate medical attention.

    Lev Nishbar: Beri Weber – New Release

    Le cerveau n’est donc plus oxygéné. C’est un infarctus cérébral. Une angine de poitrine est une douleur thoracique causée par…


    Amazing and interesting facts surrounding the world around us

    Shmueli Ungar: ‘Mach A Bracha’ – Music Video

    Every day, from when we wake up, till we go to bed, we have the opportunity to make blessings. In…

    Watch: This Bear’s Best Friend

    Surprising special relationship formed between domesticated dogs and polar bears
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