More Heat Wave Survival Tips

    The heat has yet to peak tomorrow; here are instructions from emergency responder organizations on how to survive the heat…

    Watch: NASA Finds Perfectly Rectangular Iceberg in Antarctica

    The straight, flat, frozen block looks like it has been deliberately cut into shape. It’s thought to have broken away…

    What Compliments Do For Your Spouse

    Compliments are extremely important benefitting your marriage in both short term and long term

    BBC May Not be Anti-Semitic, Just Plain Rude

    With one sentence they managed to offend both Jews and Muslims

    Optical illusions

    What Do You Really See In Here? Weekly mental challenge

    Touching Gallery: Before and After Cancer

    Adults and children from around the world share pictures of themselves undergoing and overcoming cancer. Inspiring images

    The Patient Asked for a Blessing for the Success of the Operation, and was Amazed by Rabbi Kanievsky’s Response

    What did Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky answer a patient who asked for a blessing for the success of the operation, and…

    Keeping Kosher – In Word and In Image

    Daddy had seen how even his little grandchildren were willing to go through physical and emotional discomfort for the sake…

    I Live in a Never Ending Weekend Retreat

    Since becoming religious, David Sidon and his family found happiness on a farm in the Upper Galilee

    The Universe is Finely Tuned

    Every constant and quantity discovered by scientists make the universe something that could only be fine tuned
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