How Can I Make a Commitment?

    Entering marriage and accepting Torah are big commitments. where do I get the courage to follow through?

    On the Verge of Death: “I Knew It Was the Last Call to Enter the Train”

    Limor Tabibi’s operation led to a series of medical complications — until she had a clinical death experience. Until today,…

    Technology vs. Emotional Health

    Technology is winning and our emotional health is losing big time

    Watch: Sirens Imitation – You’ve Never Heard Anything Like it

    Must See: This kid is super-talented when it comes to imitating sirens. Gone viral

    Unlocking the Secret Code of the Talmud – Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein

    What is the significance of the Talmud in Judaism? What is the function of the Talmud? What is the intent…

    O mérito de manter o Shabat

    No Clintch de uma grande venda de imóveis, um homem de negócios judeu é confrontado com um dilema; Shabat ou…

    Simcha Leiner: Mi Adir – Speechless

        En appelant plusieurs endroits vous aurez des différences de tarif. Commander du cialis en toute securite, viagra online…

    Shwekey’s Brand New Double-Album!

    Yaakov Shwekey brings us nostalgic tunes in a way only he can.

    Even If We Don’t Understand

    We have a relationship with G-d and a relationship means trust

    Walking the Tightrope of Coexistence

    Can the Muezzin Law be modified to make everyone happy?
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