Praying for Heaven’s Sake

    Sincere prayer in this manner gets results, but it has to really be sincere

    10 Facts About Yehudah the Maccabee

    One of the greatest warriors in Jewish history

    A Shared Language in Marriage

    In the beginning of a marriage communication is vitally important. The beginning is as long as the beginning lasts —…

    The Impact of Silence on the Human Body

    Our Sages tell us that silence protects human wisdom, and is the healthiest pill to swallow

    Oldest Man in America Wears Tefillin

    "As long as the candle is burning there is still time to work and repair."

    Nafshi: Acapella Style by Simcha Leiner

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    Ritalin Reduces Car Crashes amongst ADHD Adults

    ADHD adult drivers have a higher risk of car crashes but Ritalin helps according to Swedish study

    Rabeinu Tam

    The commentary of Rabeinu Tam is the foundation of all the Tosfos commentaries to the Talmud. He also wrote the…

    Watch: Creative Recipes Using Ice Cube Molds

    Try out these original delicacies using ice cube molds. Don't forget the strawberries and herbs must be cleaned thoroughly

    Get Enough Sleep! Or Else!

    Certain brain cells begin to consume healthy brain cells during sleep deprivation
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