Kobi Peretz & Yaakov Shwekey: ‘Veafilu Behastara’

    G-d stands with us even during difficult times when things are hidden

    Laws of Shabbat – Part 1: Preparing For Shabbat

    Proper preparation for Shabbat requires knowledge of many basic Halakhot. Rabbi Yoel Domb provides a basic overview of these halakhot

    Yehudah – Taking Responsibility

    Man’s challenge is not simply to avoid mistakes, but to own up to those we inevitably make

    The Fetus Sees and Feels – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    The Sages had an oral tradition that a fetus has a special sense and knowledge of the world around it.…

    Help Me Believe I Can Repair

    A personal prayer for help in becoming better you can use in the N’eila service

    7 Tips to Help Your Digestive Tract

    You’ll be healthier all around if you follow these tips

    Life After Life – 4: Ghostly Phenomena

    Hitchhikers who Vanish or A Dead Man that Comes to Save the Life of a Relative. Ghostly Phenomena!

    Dreams – The Spiritual Realm of the Mundane

    Among other messages, dreams convey that our mundane, daily lives can in fact be transformed and elevated to the spiritual…

    Nicholas Winton – The Man who Saved Hundreds of Jews from the Holocaust

    Watch the inspiring true story of how Sir Nicholas Winton saved 669 Jewish children from the Nazi’s. “I work on…

    Gad Elbaz New Release – “I Know”

    "And I know, Why this is home, You’re my heart, you’re a part, Of my soul". Another masterpiece by Gad…
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