Avinu Malkeinu – Shulem Lemmer & The Shira Choir

    "Our father our king, hear our voice, Our father our king, we have sinned before you, Our father our king,…

    Efron – Acting on Impulse

    Efron offered Avraham a field as a gift, though suddenly changed his mind. How could Efron change so quickly from…

    Passover Recipe: Soft Yummy Brownies

    You’ll want to do this over and over!

    Watch: Perfect Hunter – Bears Hunt with Minimal Effort

    The Creator of the Universe sustains and supports all living creatures. Watch how bears receive their share straight into their…

    Underwater Tablet Dates Back to Bar Kochba Revolt

    The stone slab, dating to the second century, was found underwater at Tel Dor, south of the city of Haifa.

    DIY – How To Create Images of Animals in the Dark

    As children, did you also find yourself frolicking with your hands against the wall, to create images of animals? Here…

    Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhansk

    There is a legend which relates that during the Holocaust, the Nazis smashed the stone over his grave and wanted…

    Incredible Gallery: When Real Beauty Surpasses Imagination

    Spectacular photographs from various photo competitions around the globe. Real photos without any Photoshop

    Man, Space & Time – Three Levels of Unity

    I've got to do it myself, but not for myself and do it now...

    Watch: Wonders of Creation: A Fish You’ve Never Seen Before

    Amazing documentation of a unique fish, living in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean
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