O SHABAT – visita no palácio do Rei – 3

    Parte 3: Shabat – O Fundamento da Crença 

    Women’s Parsha- Shemot: “My Poor Child Were You Lost?”

    It’s hard to prepare for trials and tribulations; how do you deal with them?

    What Does Shabbat Mean to You?

    Here's what it means to the man on the street

    How Do I Hope For the Redemption in my Day to Day Life?

    When I go through the 3 weeks and then vacation, is anything left of that longing?

    Pregnant Again, What’s the Next Step?

    I was sure I wanted an abortion

    Background matters

    A guy who’s divorced or one who grew up in a dysfunctional home

    Why Has the Jews’ External Appearance Changed Over the Exile?

    How come Jews living in different places have differences in skin, hair, and eye color, etc.? Rabbi Daniel Blass replies.

    The Secret Life of Plants – Do Plants have Feelings?

    In 1970, the leading Russian newspaper Pravda announced in an explosive headline: “Plants Speak. Yes, They Shout! Only to Avoid…

    Communication: Don’t Talk Down to Children

    They have it hard already; we can be scary without even trying

    Rescued from Abusive Relationships with Arabs

    Learn and Return says, “We can save these girls. Everyone has an obligation to try and do something to save…
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