G-d Loves You!!

    Knowing that, you can proceed to have faith in Him

    Jews of England, It’s time to Pack Our Bags

    “The question is not ‘if’ to leave England it’s ‘when’ to leave”

    The Significance of a Yahrzeit: The Annual Memorial for the Deceased

    What is the purpose and significance of a Yahrzeit / Azkarah? Learn how to elevate the soul of a beloved…

    Watch: What Happened when a Deer was Hit by a Bus?

    A deer tried to cross the road at the wrong time, it met the bus's windshield and somehow managed to…

    What Side Is Best To Sleep On?

    Some scientists suggest that the left side may be the healthiest to sleep on at night. Is this true for…

    How Do I Know G-d is With Me?

    Look back at your life and see how many times G-d intervened.

    Acendimento das velas 25.05.2018

    Quando o Shabat entra? Os horários de Acendimento das velas Sexta feira 25.05.2018 em várias cidades do Brasil, Parashat Nasso…

    6 Reasons for Male Infertility

    Male infertility used to be rare but now almost 50% of couples now need to deal with it

    How Can we Make Spirituality more Accessible? – Rabbi Akiva Tatz

    How can you become a person of great moral character? What is the key to becoming a more humble individual?…
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