Wonders of Creation: Spectacular Footage of Rare Sea Creatures

    “There is no artist like our G-d” (Rashi: Shmuel I - Chapter 2:2)

    Cabbage for Arthritis and Gout? 

    That’s what new research says

    Did You Know a Single Cloud can Weigh more than 1 Million Pounds?

    How far can chickens fly? How many breaths do you take a year? 10 Interesting facts, you probably didn't know

    Watch Official Music Video – ‘Father Don’t Cry’ by Avraham Fried

    This tremendously emotional song based on a statement of our Sages: "When G-d remembers His children who suffer in exile,…

    Watch: Spring Flowers Blossoming Before your Eyes

    Wonders of Creation: Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature that surrounds us. G-d created infinite types of…

    Unsteady – Pinny Schachter and Naftali Blumenthal

    “Hold on to me because I’m a little Unsteady”. Brought to you by Shabbat.com

    Parenting: The Best Way to Raise Children

    Parents, you need to accept your children where they are

    The Hero’s Moment

    You can be a hero, too

    Mordechai Shapiro: Friends – Official Music Video

    “I’ve Got my friends” - Composed by Mordechai Shapiro & Yitzy Waldner, Produced by Mordechai Shapiro, Yehuda Fein & Meir…

    Rosh Chodesh – Rising Above Physicality

    Our mission as Jews is to rise above our physicality
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