Kosher Fish Go Against The Flow!

    Jews always go against the flow but how do they do it?

    Do Cherries Need to be Checked for Bugs? – Watch

    Rabbi Moshe Vaye says that cherries from Brazil don't need to be checked, whereas cherries from Argentina need checking. It…

    Avraham – Reacting to Success and Failure

    Avraham reacted to success without letting it affect his humility or hinder his service of HaShem, yet how did Avraham…

    The Admor of Belz Composes a Joyous Song in Honor of His Grandson’s Wedding

    More than an hour of energetic dancing: Watch one of the highlights of the latest Belz wedding. The Rebbe and…

    Pesukei DeZimra – Nusach Sefard

    Praise G-d Before you ask your needs

    The Arab Took Out a Knife And I Was Staring Death In The Eye

    Amazing miracles are occurring to Am Yisrael in these trying times, whether we hear about them or not: A moving…

    A Message from the Next World

    “We decided not to do anything for our mother since she didn’t give us a sign from heaven so it’s…

    How Do You Find the True Religion?

    There are a lot of confusing choices out there... which one is the right one?

    How Do We Deal With the Challenges of Our Generation?

    The confusion is overwhelming and the trials are so great it seems that everything is coming apart

    Why Is G-d Invisible? Rabbi Manis Friedman

    Throughout history, the question of why G-d is not visible has perplexed the human race. Philosophers and laymen have addressed…
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