Kosher Lessons in Kindness

    What's wrong with the stork the 'chasidah' who is always helping her friends. Why isn't this bird kosher?

    Getting up off the Ground: The Secret to Jewish Continuity

    “How did we go from mourners sitting on the ground to sunbathers sitting on the beach slathering on sunscreen? What…

    Miracle: Soldiers Exit Bus a Minute Before Missile Strike

    Incredible miracle: The bus driver dropped off 50 soldiers near the Gazan border, a minute later an anti-tank missile hit…

    Chayei Sarah, All Rapped Up

    What's the significance of the Machpela Caves in Hebron?

    Shabat Kodesh – Visitando o “Palácio do Rei”  

    O Shabat é um dia de descanso  fixado pelo Criador, que o santificou de um modo único. 

    7 Facts About Rabbi Yaakov Ben Asher on The Anniversary of His Passing

    He wrote his commentary on the Torah in one night: Today, the 12th of Tammuz is the anniversary of the…

    Maturity – Closing the Circle

    Maturity means sacrificing possibilities to focus on achieving something real

    10 Facts about Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai

    During the years he hid in a cave, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai wrote down the esoteric teachings of the Torah.…

    Watch: Turtle’s Stunning Glow, Discovered in the Depths of the Pacific

    A delegation of two investigators sent to the Pacific in order to trace the phenomenon of bio-fluorescence (biological glow) in…

    Keil Udoin – A Capella Style: By the Zimra Choir & Yosef Weberman

    This beautiful melodic song "Keil Udoin" composed many years ago by the legendary world renowned Jewish composer Yossi Green. Now…
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