How Should My Shabbat Table Look?

    You're actually supposed to enjoy delicacies on Shabbat and that's holy

    Passover Recipes: Cabbage Salad for Passover

    A tangy salad to liven your Passover meals

    Nissim Black: King of The World – Official Lyric Video

    Composed and written by Nissim Black

    Women to know : She signed up to become an organ donor

    It’s not our world; it’s Hashem’s world, we just do what he directs us to do, and he will take…

    Hareini: New Release by Benny Friedman – Lyric Video

    "Veohavta L'reiacha Kamocha' - Love your neighbor as you love yourself'

    Cantor Yoel Ausch & The Shira Choir Perform at The NYPD High Holy Days Security Briefing

    NYPD executives, clergy members, and community leaders convened at 1 Police Plaza for the annual High Holy Days briefing. Police…

    The Pleiades Star Cluster

    The human eye can make out six stars in the Pleiades star cluster, though the Talmud says that it contains…

    Quality Time in Your Marriage

    A man needs to find the proper balance of quantity and quality. He must know that he has to allocate…

    Talking Positively about the Land of Israel

    Laws regarding speaking negatively about those who have passed away, about the Land of Israel and other peoples possessions
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