Chavah – The Mother of All Living Beings

    Whenever a person stumbles, even terribly, he need not despair that he has permanently failed in life. He can recover…

    Gallery: Mysterious Caves around the World

    See breathtaking images of magical caves around the globe. Wonders of Creation

    Watch: Judean Desert from a Bird’s Eye View after the Winter Rains

    After the winter rains the Judean desert isn’t so barren and desolate anymore. “There is no artist like our G-d”…

    Opening Packages and Containers on Shabbat

    Is it permissible to tear open packets of sugar or make a hole in the top corner of a bag…

    The trip

    A privilege to go, mixed emotions upon my return

    “Don’t Worry,” They Comforted Me, “It Doesn’t Matter How Many Sins You Did, There Is Always Repentance!”

    “Don’t be discouraged,” they told me. “There’s a concept called teshuvah (repentance). Teshuvah was created when the world was created;…

    Sedom’s Attitude Towards Charity

    The behavior of the residents of Sedom stemmed from an ideology. To promote their cruel way of life, they instituted…

    Applying Make-Up on Shabbat

    Regarding the application of facial powder, there’s a difference of opinion among adjudicators.

    Art, Judaism and Comic Books

    Are comic superheroes divorced from Judaism or is there a hidden message behind them?

    Hanukkah – Tap into the Light

    Why did it take the Rabbis a whole year to announce the holiday of Chanukah? In this short video, Rabbi…
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