Gallery: 27 Finalists of the National Geographic Competition

    Every year photographers from around the world send their best pictures to the prestigious National Geographic photography competition. The pictures…

    Amazing End to Story of Apostate Who Spoke With The Lubavitcher Rebbe

    One of the most famous clips from the dollar distribution of the Lubavitcher Rebbe showed an apostate Jew trying to…

    To Carry The Burden of Another Jew – Rabbi Yissochar Frand

    Rabbi Yissochar Frand shares extraordinary stories of great Jewish leaders who personified the trait of 'Nosei B'ol Im Chaveiro', carrying…

    Finding the Right Balance

    For the most part, Western civilization has demonstrated little respect for the fact that moral criteria originate from a Higher…

    Thirteen Attributes of Mercy: Dudi Kalish & Friends – Music Video

    “HASHEM HASHEM Kel rachum vechanun erech apayim verav-chesed ve'emet, Notzer chesed la'alafim nose avon vafesha vechata'ah venakeh.” Translation: "HASHEM, HASHEM,…

    Proof of The Oral Tradition

    A Jew who is faithful to the Jewish people, the eternal people, is inevitably connected to the Oral Tradition -…

    Do You Want Proof That G-d Watches Over us?

    Why is it impossible for G-d to forsake His world?

    How Can We Change the World?

    In these 3 weeks of mourning lie the tools to do it

    Keil Udoin – A Capella Style: By the Zimra Choir & Yosef Weberman

    This beautiful melodic song "Keil Udoin" composed many years ago by the legendary world renowned Jewish composer Yossi Green. Now…

    At the Last Minute The Cremation Was Averted

    Michael Osborne travelled to the island of Negros for medical treatment , but in the end he passed away. Since…
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