Happiness is The Most Important Mitzvah!

    Train yourself and your children in this great mitzvah

    Watch: Adam Sandler & Howard Stern Sing Torah Blessing Together

    May they merit to understand the true meaning of this holy and meaningful blessing. It is intersting to note, that…

    The Big Bang Theory

    What does Judaism say about the Big Bang theory?

    Pourquoi Baba Salé a ordonné d'enterrer les légumes qu'on lui avait donné en cadeau ?

    Une question halakhique intéressante, tirée de la série "Vaarev Na" du Rav Its'hak Zilberstein

    What is a Jew? – Historian Ken Spiro Explains

    Are the Jews a nation, a religion, a race, a family, a culture or a People? Ken Spiro elaborates

    Join The Shabbat Project 2019: Uniting more than 1,000,000 Jews Around the Magic of Shabbat

    The idea is simple: Jews from all walks of life - from across the spectrum of religious affiliation, young and…

    Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky – Add “Achashverosh” to the Patient’s Name

    Why did Rabbi Kanievsky decide to add the name "Antiochus" or "Achashverosh" to the patient’s name, and how did he…

    Do You Take Vitamin C in The Winter?

    It may be the wrong Vitamin!

    Divorce – The Right Perspective

    Working on a marriage takes just as much effort as ending it

    How to Open a Pomegranate the Easy Way

    Are you getting your pomegranates ready for Rosh Hashanah? Learn how to open pomegranates fast and easy without making a…
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