Rabbi Yosef Chaim (ben Elijah) – the Ben Ish Chai

    He was a leading disciple of Rabbi Abdallah Somech, the greatest scholar in Baghdad in the mid-nineteenth century

    What was the Difference Between the First and Second Temple?

    The Eternal Flame of the First Temple did not exist in the Second Temple. This symbolized a lack of Torah…

    Dear matchmaker

    I don’t like that my daughter discusses her shidduchim with her friends

    A Musician that Invests in Torah Study Can Do Great Things!

    Amir Benayon counters the claim that a musician must use all his time for music and not learn Torah.

    More than just the clothes

    The poritz was terribly distressed about his son’s irresponsible behavior

    Don’t Forget to Water the Plants…With Love

    According to various studies, plants have an inexplicable ability – more complex than that of human beings – to sense…

    Unlocking G-d’s Blessing

    In this short clip, Rabbi Meyer Yedid gives us the key to unlocking the blessing G-d is waiting to shower…

    Health Benefits for the Body and Soul

    Sara Chana Silverstein works tirelessly to raise awareness in the Jewish world about the benefits of homeopathy and herbs, and…

    Love For a Moment and then What?

    Don't look for unnecessary relationships, wait for the real deal, wait until you're married

    Watch – A Sinkhole in the Heart of the Ocean

    Wonders of Creation: One of the most beautiful natural wonders created you will ever see. Mesmerizing
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