I Forgot my Daughter in the Car, She Survived by a Miracle

    A remorseful father warns us to watch over our children. In the hot summer a child can die in a…

    Elisheva Perlman: Inspires Thousands of Jewish Women Across the Globe

    Elisheva Perlman is the perfect example of someone taking the talents that G-d has given her and uses them to…

    One letter off

    He showed his fellow congregants the Torah and told them to look under the bimah

    We’re in Exile, What can We Do about It?

    Realize we’re in darkness far from G-d and look for the light of His closeness

    At Yad Vashem, Trump Also Honored Emily

    Without fanfare, Trump met Emily, a 10 year old girl fighting cancer for 7 years in a side room of…

    Most Isolated Houses on the Planet

    Some people are looking for quiet and their dreams have led them to the most isolated places you can think…

    Watch: Artist Moti Heller Reveals the Process of His Artwork

    Moti Heller shares an intriguing glimpse of his magnificent artwork. Watch a clip that reveals how he creates a drawing…

    Judaism and the Pursuit of Happiness – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Aside from happiness being a basic emotional need, it is also one of the most important principles in Judaism with…

    Spiritual Wellness – Rule A: Understanding Suffering

    The main cause of all mental breakdowns is the feeling of powerlessness and inability to cope with prolonged suffering or…

    The Father of Modern Day Yeshivot

    Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin passed away on the14th of Sivan (This Wednesday night) Some facts about his productive life in…
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