The New York Times Profiles a Nice Normal Neo-Nazi 

    Sometimes they really outdo themselves…

    A Royal Crown – The Head Covering of a Man

    Why does a Jewish man cover his head? A person whose head is exposed stunts his spiritual growth, as the…

    Seeing Inside Opaque Objects

    The Talmud states that the Jewish people used the light from the clouds to examine internal bodily organs; a precursor…

    Can I Build A Mikvah in a Day?

    This is no rush job it's fully kosher

    Why did G-d Create the World?

    Why did G-d create human beings? What is the purpose of creation? Rabbi Chaimowitz elaborates based on traditional Jewish sources

    How Can You Know if Someone Needs Immediate Emotional Care?

    Identify the red lights warning you and the lines that shouldn’t be crossed in order to help people you know…

    The 7th Thing Messianic Jews for Jesus Don’t Want You to Know

    Do you know who wrote the New Testament? Four unknown authors!

    Underwater Tablet Dates Back to Bar Kochba Revolt

    The stone slab, dating to the second century, was found underwater at Tel Dor, south of the city of Haifa.

    The Deep Significance of the Holy Language

    Because of his genes, man is equipped with the special ability to learn a language

    The Vegetarian Predator

    Superficially, this plant looks innocent-looking, and even tempting to approach. But a closer look leaves us open-mouthed. The wonders of…
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