Ten Facts about the Book of Psalms-Tehillim

    What is the meaning of the name of the Book of Psalms? How many people composed the hymns in the…

    A Triple Crop in the Sixth Year(!) – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    The Torah contains explicit prophecies regarding the Shmita (sabbatical year). It is amazing to see how accurately these prophecies have…

    How Can I Become a Happy Person?

    By appreciating our own bodies we can reach happiness

    Meditation: Twenty-Four Little Hours

    Most of your random thoughts don’t get you far, nor do they give you any real pleasure. There are other…

    The Suffering of Suicide Victims After Their Death

    The ‘aura’ of suicide victims and those who die from substance abuse intensifies every night, as though the soul continues…

    6 Reasons for Male Infertility

    Male infertility used to be rare but now almost 50% of couples now need to deal with it

    What Can I Do About a Teen Ager that Leaves the Family and Judaism?

    How can I get them to come home at an age they want to run away?

    Can Plants Play Music? Watch an Amazing Experiment

    Watch an incredible experiment that has gone viral on social media

    Watch: Jewish Tradition Preserved in the Depths of an Islamic State

    Touching Footage of the amazing Jewish community that has lived among Muslims in the depths of Yemen for centuries. Must…

    If a shidduch is bashert

    Rav Yehudah Halevi, the author of the Kuzari, was a very wealthy man. He had only one daughter, who had…
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