I Believe in G-d, or Do I?

    What does it mean to have faith in G-d?

    Lighting Shabbat Candles, What’s it All About?

    Why do women light Shabbat candles to usher in the Shabbat?

    Singer and Radio Show Host Yehoram Gaon Has What to Say about Shabbat

    “As someone secular I shout out about the honor of Shabbat”!

    Watch Official Music Video – ‘Father Don’t Cry’ by Avraham Fried

    This tremendously emotional song based on a statement of our Sages: "When G-d remembers His children who suffer in exile,…

    Drinking Water: What are the Benefits?

    Besides not dehydrating there are many other benefits too

    Happiness, the Life Saver

    Happiness will get someone out of depair to hope

    The Truth About Reincarnation

    Belief in reincarnation exists in many traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, the Druse tradition, and more. In many cases, reincarnation is…

    Life after life – 5: The Appearance of the Dead in a Dream

    The family members believe that Rabbi Segel, who had been very careful about the possessions and monies of others, had…

    The 5th Thing Messianic Jews for Jesus Don’t Want You to Know

    No one hid any prophecies from anyone but Jews for J claim otherwise.

    Rich Osso Bucco in Wine Sauce for Your Seder Table

    A dish fit for a king to grace your seder table
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