Must We Be in Pain to Be United?

    A letter to G-d, words of love shared in pain

    Nissim Black: King of The World – Official Lyric Video

    Composed and written by Nissim Black

    Gad Elbaz New Release – “I Know”

    "And I know, Why this is home, You’re my heart, you’re a part, Of my soul". Another masterpiece by Gad…

    Yitzchak’s Role

    The most striking aspect of Yitzchak’s actions is their similarity to those of his father. From this we derive the…

    Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski – What is the Meaning of Empathy?

    What is the difference between empathy and sympathy? Why is it so exhausting to feel empathy for another person?

    Family Tech: SMS or SOS?

    Exploring the impact of technology on our most intimate relationships.

    Become a King – Rule over Yourself

    If you can't control yourself you don't have what it takes to lead

    Searching for Your Soulmate? 5 Tips from Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky

    A yeshiva student who asked for a blessing on behalf of his sister, received a long detailed response from the…

    Even If We Don’t Understand

    We have a relationship with G-d and a relationship means trust

    There are no Shortcuts – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

    In order to achieve one's goals, one must have patience and build a comprehensive plan rather than try and attain…
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