The Influence of The Spiritual Force

    Positive speech, prayer, words of Torah and blessings have a positive impact on the world. Current research supports this and…

    Watch: Judean Desert from a Bird’s Eye View after the Winter Rains

    After the winter rains the Judean desert isn’t so barren and desolate anymore. “There is no artist like our G-d”…

    Download Hidabroot APP

    An App that will change your life!

    Can Plants Really Hear?

    Amazing discoveries in botanical research on the language of plants, were already known to the Jewish Sages thousands of years…

    Yehudah – Taking Responsibility

    Man’s challenge is not simply to avoid mistakes, but to own up to those we inevitably make

    “Jealousy, Desire and Honor Remove a Person from this World”

    Rabbi Zamir Cohen elaborates on the Mishna in Avot and the words of Maimonides on how to have a good…

    Sensational Duet – Mordechai Ben David & Avraham Fried

    Mordechai Ben David & Avraham Fried perform a stunning duet at the ATIME Shas A Thon. Accompanied by the Shira…

    Closing a Circle; Doctor Treats Man Who Saved Him from Abortion

    Dr. Carasso from the Rambam Hospital is grateful to his patient to whom he owes his existence

    Watch: Folding Napkins like You’ve Never Seen Before

    Looking for a nice innovative idea to decorate your Shabbat table? Take a look at a genius tip for folding…

    Chassidic Lag BaOmer Mix

    Listen to a collection of the best Chassidic Lag BaOmer melodies. Enjoy
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