Building a Positivity Portfolio

    Create a portfolio of good feelings you experienced or things you liked

    Overcoming Anger – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Relative to all the other difficult traits, anger is by far the hardest to correct. A raging temper distorts the…

    “Don’t Worry,” They Comforted Me, “It Doesn’t Matter How Many Sins You Did, There Is Always Repentance!”

    “Don’t be discouraged,” they told me. “There’s a concept called teshuvah (repentance). Teshuvah was created when the world was created;…

    10 Facts About Gaon of Vilna

    According to his son’s testimony, the Gra intended to create a new Code of Jewish Law that would decide all…

    “What Do I Do, I Can’t Read and Write?”

    You’ll never earn a living if you go to Israel

    The magical world hidden in the depths

    Hermit crab and a Conch - A war for territory

    Elisheva Perlman: Inspires Thousands of Jewish Women Across the Globe

    Elisheva Perlman is the perfect example of someone taking the talents that G-d has given her and uses them to…

    “The Rabbi Saved Me from Going on The Titanic!”

    “He told me: Send regards to the American G-d. But I asked, isn’t he the same G-d here?”

    Keeping the Light of Hanukkah Going After Hanukkah

    Something small we do anyways that works

    An Act of Kindness Worth 75,000 NIS

    Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky: “Let the family stay, and G-d will send you an abundance as a reward for performing this…
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