Opening Containers and Bottles on Shabbat

    Opening metal bottle caps, plastic bottle caps and beer bottles on Shabbat

    More Helpful Tips for Married Women – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Essential advice for maintaining marital harmony from Rabbi Zamir Cohen's latest book on marriage

    Waters of hope: the merit of family purity

    Gadi and Irrit had waited seven years for children and decided to try their last card and keep the laws…

    Teachings of Rav Shmuel Shmelke Horowitz of Nikolsberg

    Also known as “the Rebbe Reb Shmelke,” a main disciple of the Mezritcher Maggid and the author of “Divrei Shmuel.”

    Was The Ibn Ezra’s Grave Discovered?

    The Safed Cemetary foundation claims they found his grave after 900 years that its whereabouts were unknown.

    Ten Facts about the History of Jerusalem

    How did Jerusalem get its name? When did Jews begin to settle it? And what happened to the Jewish community…

    Eliezer – Escaping the Curse of Cham

    Eliezer was destined to serve the nations of Shem and Yefes. How did Eliezer free himself from this curse?

    10 Facts About Yehudah the Maccabee

    One of the greatest warriors in Jewish history

    Must See – Never Stop Dancing by Ari Goldwag

    Also you can dance despite your challenges! Ari Goldwag with an inspiring message in his new hit ‘Never Stop Dancing’…

    Watch: Selichot Concert 2018 – Inspiring Musical Elul Program

    Join Hidabroot during the month of ‘mercy and forgiveness’ in a unique Elul Program accompanied by musical inspiration with Singer…
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