Pourquoi Baba Salé a ordonné d'enterrer les légumes qu'on lui avait donné en cadeau ?

    Une question halakhique intéressante, tirée de la série "Vaarev Na" du Rav Its'hak Zilberstein

    Singles Get Ready! The Song of Splitting the Sea Will Help you Find Your Spouse!

    This week in Beshalach we will read about the splitting of the sea. Why does the song about the splitting…

    The Daughter of a King

    A Jewish woman must always remember that since she has always been a highly esteemed princess, she cannot allow herself…

    Reb Abishel Is Put To The Test

    Most of his money went to feed and clothe the poor

    Your Son’s Friends are His Best Teachers!

    Well not exactly but they are far better motivators according to this new study

    The Rules of the Game

    Life is a house of mirrors where you can bump your head

    The 10th Thing Messianic Jews for Jesus Don’t Want You to Know

    Only the Torah has any compelling historical source that makes it authentic and documents its divinity

    What’s All the Fuss About? it’s Only Trees

    You will not believe what kind of "situations" these trees managed to reach. Of one thing we are certain: the…

    The Journey and the Destination – Rabbi Akiva Tatz

    If you grasp your life as a journey to an amazing destination, the building of an eternal result, the difficulties…
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