How Did this Family of Ducks Cross the Waterfall? Watch and Find Out

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    Teachings of Rav Levi Yitzchak Derbarmdigger, the Berditchever Rav

    Also known as the “Sanigoran shel Yisrael” (Defender of Israel), a disciple of Rav Shmelke of Nikolsberg and the Maggid…

    A Lofty But Spiritual Reality – Leah Richeimer

    Host of ‘The Ladies Talk Show’ Leah Richeimer, explains how to bring infinite blessing into your marriage. Must see

    The Weight of Air – in the Talmud

    The weight of the air pressing down upon our bodies every second is about 10 tons. Torah Sages living 2,000…

    Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Sugar

    Purim is just around the corner! Sugar will probably be the main ingredient in the Mishloach Manot you receive. This…

    Watch: Go on a Journey with the King of the Sky

    A rare glimpse at an eagle's view of the world. This is how it looks like from above: clear, smooth…

    Dear matchmaker

    Help! I’m in the middle of acting as shadchan for a boy and girl who have so far gone out…

    Lifesaving Help around the World amidst Coronavirus Pandemic

    Behind the scenes of worldwide chaos, an ever-rising number of coronavirus patients, quarantines and lockdowns, a lifesaving worldwide charity operation…

    Between Minchah and Maariv

    The insights and perspectives of husband-and-wife team Ruchama and Yisrael Feuerman
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