Emotional Clip: Tefillin for the Last Time in Life

    The young man in the video is not observant in his daily life. But one day he heard that an…

    The King’s Portrait – A Powerful Message for All Married Couples

    More valuable advice from Rabbi Zamir Cohen for creating a successful marriage

    Watch: Netanel Menat & Malchus Choir – Naase Venishma

    Performed at huge kumzitz in Elad, Israel

    ‘My Brothers and Sisters, the People of Israel Gave Me a Great Big Hug’

    Racheli Frankel says “our nation must keep its ability to unite and be there for each other”

    WATCH: ’ON THE TABLE’ with R’ Peretz  B. Eichler

    A winning combination of good food and important issues put on the table and addressed by experts who can help

    Think Good & It Will Be Good

    You can create your reality by thinking about the things that have meaning in your life

    Saved from Intermarriage: But “I Still Have Thoughts About This Non-Jewish Woman…”

    The danger in intermarriage — to the Jewish people and to every individual Jew

    You Can Become Great!

    Discover the latent talents, power and holiness inside you and use them to become great

    It’s Time to Let go and Forgive!

    Unwarranted pride prevents people from making up with people they love
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