Women to know : One thing led to another and so her organization was born

    The only way to keep yourself happy is to make others happy, and to give

    Yehudah – Taking Responsibility

    Man’s challenge is not simply to avoid mistakes, but to own up to those we inevitably make

    “Miracles Happen Every Day, I’m One of Them!”

    Susan Lindley shares the details of the miracles she experiences in her fight against colon cancer since 1998

    Neshome’le – Shimmy Levy, Levy Falkowitz & Yedidim

    A heartfelt rendition of the song “Neshome’le” composed by Abie Rottenberg

    More than just the clothes

    The poritz was terribly distressed about his son’s irresponsible behavior

    Putting an End to Late-Night Sugar Cravings

    Our eating habits are generally balanced during the day, but when nighttime comes, we attack the fridge without mercy. How…

    Vayeira – Holy Laughter

    Laughter is a serious matter and we have to know how to use it correctly

    Watch a Simulation of Healthy Lungs Functioning as Opposed to Lungs of Smokers

    If the price of cigarettes haven't persuaded you to stop smoking, maybe this clip will succeed
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