Enhancing Your Mitzvah

    Know what you're doing when you do a mitzvah

    Media Gossip

    May one sell newspapers that contain gossip? Is it permissible to talk gossip in a joking manner?

    The Maharal’s Engagement

    A large dowry is lost , but the Maharal did not despair

    The 7th of Adar: A Day That Will Bring the Redemption?

    Who will redeem us and how can we expedite the redemption? 9 facts about the 7th of Adar the day…

    Special Child’s Mom: “G-d Guides Every Step I Take”

    Mushkie Landau, the mother of a special needs child discusses how her faith helps her parenting.

    Kindness at a Supermarket

    The cashier swept her own credit card for me!

    Near Death Experience in the Talmud

    The Talmud states; for three days after burial, it is still possible for a person to return to life! What…

    The 1st Thing Messianic Jews for Jesus Don’t Want You to Know

    They believe Jesus is G-d Himself and aren’t satisfied with 'Son of G-d'

    What is Hidabroot? What do we do?

    What's in it for You?

    Maturity – Closing the Circle

    Maturity means sacrificing possibilities to focus on achieving something real
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