Jewelry Made by the Handicapped?

    Yaan Naveh’s jewelers are all mentally handicapped and her profits are the happiness they get and not the money.

    Original: Decorated Home with Bright Dreidel Lights and Giant Menorahs

    Jews from Houston, Texas, came up with an original idea this Chanukah. They decided to decorate their home with colored…

    Rabbi Meyer Yedid – Raising Children Who Have Self Esteem

    This is the challenge of our generation

    Y-Studs: VeUhavtu & Baruch Hashem – Acapella Style

    Another vocal masterpiece from Y-Studs. Enjoy

    Parents Watch Out For Magnetic Beads

    Keep them out of your baby’s reach; they are very dangerous for babies that swallow them

    Take Your Time – Don’t Stress

    The sudden shift from a restful state to an active state, may pose as a threat to our physical health,…

    Praise G-d with Every Breath

    People like Finlay could die if they stop breathing just from concentrating too much during a TV show

    The Rules of the Game

    Life is a house of mirrors where you can bump your head

    Shidduch saga

    A williamsburg tale

    Pianist Mikhail Pais Plays “Daled Bavos” – Niggun of the Alter Rebbe

    Moving piano performance. Enjoy this legendary Chassidic Melody
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