Praise G-d with Every Breath

    People like Finlay could die if they stop breathing just from concentrating too much during a TV show

    What’s the Biggest Threat to Jewish Survival?

    What is it and what do we do about it?

    The Weight of Air

    Before Galileo made his significant discovery, how would the Torah Sages living 2,000 years ago have answered the question; how…

    Yitzchak and Esav – Using and Abusing Power

    How could a man as great as Yitzchak have believed Esav was virtuous and more fitting to receive the blessings…

    Good News for Pregnant Women — a Breakthrough in the Diagnosis of the Fetal Head

    The Emek Hospital in Afula recently developed a first of its kind curve particularly adapted to the Israeli public. The…

    Helpful Tips for Married Women – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Some time has elapsed since you got married. By now you have a good idea of what is most important…

    Passover Recipes: Delicious Kneidlach for Your Soup This Passover

    Kneidlach are matzo balls for your Passover chicken soup.

    A 17 Year Old Girl Fought Off Attacking Shark

    The girl, swimming on a Florida beach, thought it was a dolphin-but then it bit her leg

    Shidduch Saga

    An unlikely shadchan

    Apple Oatmeal Bars with Honey Caramel Sauce

    These fall-inspired bars are super versatile. You can serve them plain, straight from the pan, as an everyday treat. Serve…
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